What is Really True?
What we believe about ourselves determines how we live. There are thousands of books, podcasts, and blogs with the theme of self-discovery. From advertisements and influencers to our family and friends, much of what is around us is trying to tell us who we are. Who or what we choose to believe is vital!
If you wanted to learn more about a piece of art, what would you do? Would you take the opinion of someone who has never seen it? How about the person who was there when it was created, but didn't actually create it? Would the opinion of the creators friends be good enough? Or would you want to hear what the actual creator has to say? I'd want to hear from the actual creator! The one who made it is the only one who knows the truth about it.
This is how many people decide what to believe about themselves. Rather than going to God, who created them; they listen to other opinions about who they are. God isn't the only one who has something to say about you! Satan will try to convince you to believe all kinds of lies about yourself! He is furious that God loves you and will do anything to tear you down! Below are several lies Satan and this world will attempt to convince you are true. There's also God's truth about you as well.
Carve out some time to do more than just scan through the list. Ask God to show you what lies you may be believing. Then read through the Bible verses correlating with what God says about you. Changing thought patterns doesn't happen overnight. Some beliefs about ourselves may be so ingrained it may take repeatedly reminding ourselves of what is true to break those thought habits. It is possible. Here are the 5 R’s to Changing Thoughts/Beliefs:
RESPONSIBILITY - Take full responsibility to renew your mind
RE-THINK what you believe, concepts you were told/taught
REJECT old ways, habits, and beliefs that don’t line up with God’s Word.
REVIEW new thoughts regularly and often - meditate on the new way of thinking (Psalm 1)
RESOUND - Speak it out loud (Psalm 116:10, 2 Corinthians 4:13, Romans 10:17)
Do a daily, weekly, and/or monthly review of who you are in Christ. As with breaking any habit, keep at it until believing God's truth about you is the new default in your thought life. Know that you are not expected to do this alone. God will help you renew your mind when you ask Him. Also, if there is someone in your life you can share this with, do so. Much like going to the gym, changing your thought pattern is easier when you do it with someone else. If you don't have someone in your life to do this with, ask God to bring the right person along to help you with this and trust that He will.
For more encouragement in renewing your mind check out: