The Reality of Receiving Love
What many people believe to be love is simply a feeling of happiness or euphoria with another person. Love is so much more than an fleeting emotion. To accept love from another and to love another, we must understand and accept certain realities of not only ourselves, but all humans. Here are 7 principles to the reality of love:
I understand I have needs: Security, Attention, Acceptance.
I realize that having my needs met is experiencing love. These are experienced through: Security, Attention, Acceptance, Trust, Guidance, Protection, and Significance.
I freely admit that I desire to be loved.
I choose to allow you to love me.
I let you love me on your terms, not mine.
I am fulfilled when I experience love.
I am now able to love others out of my own fulfillment.s*
Our Creators' love is a wonderful example. It is unconditional, expecting nothing in return. God's love is seen in how we experience love here:
- Security: God's committed love - Romans 8: 38-39
- Attention: God's servant love - Psalm 77:1
- Acceptance: God's unearned love - Romans 5: 7-8
- Trust: God's faithful love - Psalm 107:1
- Guidance: God's directional love - James 1:5
- Protection: God's jealous love - Psalm 121:7-8
-Significance: God's affirming love - John 3:16; Psalm 139: 13-16
Coming to terms with the reality of God's love is at times difficult to accept. It is vital for each of us to accept not only His love for us; but also the love of others. The end goal is more than receiving love. It is also to be able to give love than can be trusted. We are able to do this by understanding and accepting the reality of our need for love and God's love for us.