The Rose Bush IV
Tangled in Fear
As I began to weed around the bush closer to the fence I realized I was not alone. In the corner of the fence there was a not-so-small spider. It looked as if poison dripped from its pores. The spider wasn’t afraid though I am much larger. It remained steadfast on its web. This wouldn’t have been a problem, but several vines were growing behind the web that needed to come out.
After backing up and taking a moment, I realized pulling those vines had to be done. I reached in through a larger opening in the web and began pulling the vines. The spider didn’t budge at first. When I pulled a weed that tore a bit of its web it started moving! First closer to me and where its web had torn. I froze.
I remembered that I had thick leather gloves on. I also realized that the probability of this being a poisonous spider was probably slim. God’s peace welled up in me. As I continued to gently remove the vines and weeds, the spider then moved back and onto the fence.
Through this spider God taught me another lesson. In rooting out sin we may fear losing the little, temporary comfort sin gives. Much like the vines though, if we don’t get rid of all of them, they continue to grow. Any little comfort we get from the sins quickly diminishes and is replaced with fear, doubt, shame, and guilt.
As I finished clearing out the weeds behind the web God also reminded me His comfort is so much more fulfilling. Philippians 4:6-7 came to mind, “ Do not be anxious about anything, but in prayer and pleading with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
Fear is not from God. He showed me when facing fear to Stop, Breath, and Remember what is true.
God also taught me in that moment to praise Him past the fear & into His Peace.